All American - Product Placement

I just started watching this show on Netflix called All American. I love it so much and I think it is really important for teens to watch it because it speaks on many different social issues happening in our world today. They talk about gangs, what it is like to be African American and their interaction with cops, homosexuality, white privilege and so much more. I think it is important for teens to watch this show because not only is it good, but it will open up the viewer's eyes and expose them to what is really happening in our world. I know that had really nothing to do with anything that we are talking about it class but I just wanted to write about it for a second.
Image result for all american
Back to what we are learning in class, advertising. In zero period we have briefly spoke about product placement. In this show, I have seen an example of product placement. For some context, this show is mainly about the lives of teenagers who are in high school with completely different pasts and influences. At one point, one character was at a restaurant and she was working on some homework. The character was on her computer that was Windows brand. They zoomed in on her closing it and displayed some of the different features it had. The computer had a detractable keyboard and the fact that it can fold up very small to where it can transported easily. I have seen product placement before but this was a much more subtle way of doing it. I believe product placement is a very smart way to advertise things but if the advertiser does it in such an obvious way it can't be as useful. I remember seeing before in Riverdale and they would use a makeup brand that I can't even remember. The producers would make it so obvious that it was honestly just annoying at this point. Product placement is a great way to advertise things but in the future, please just don't make it so obvious, it's annoying.
Image result for all american
