
Advertiser's main goal is to persuade their audience. In creating ads, the advertisers try to make their ads relatable to the point where we can understand what they are talking about and make us want to use or buy the product they are promoting. Promoters use fifteen basic appeals and advertising techniques to making their products more appealing. Some ads make us feel like we need the product they are selling, some make us feel like we want something like that and some make us leave our house or hop onto our computers to buy that product, but why? Why? Because that is their job. Their purpose is to make us want to buy it and many advertisers do that successfully but others not so much.
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Advertising focuses on one thing: meaning systems. A meaning system is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network that is intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed. Advertisers use meaning systems in order to connect with the audience in order to make them buy the product they are presenting. By following a set group of rules, they are able to make the buyers relate and become persuaded because of the way the advertisers present themselves to them.
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Advertisers also use advertising friendly. Advertising friendly is an adjective used in describing public media content. Advertising friendly content is basically when the content on media is appropriate for all audiences, no matter what age. YouTube is a perfect example of this, all videos uploaded onto their program needs to be appropriate no matter what audience is viewing. In advertising, many advertisers use advertising friendly in their ads or commercials. This allows anyone to be able to view it, meaning more buyers, and all ages to see it, so if kids see it and they want it, they can tell their parents to buy it, being unable to resist.
Advertisers use many different techniques in order to persuade and connect with their audience, so in the end, they can accomplish their ultimate goal; their audience to purchase their product.
