Models on Social Media

My title basically already states what this blog will be about, the topic of Instagram models on social media. In today's world women need to live up to the standards society has set for us. We need to look a certain way in order to be considered beautiful and act a certain way in order to be respected. There are many social standards women need to be at, but Instagram models don't make it any better. Yes, I respect these models because of the confidence level they have to post themselves almost daily on perspective social media accounts, but in the eyes of teenagers and young adults we think we have to be just like them. These women get paid to look pretty and to upload posts, but many people do not know that. From personal experience, I have gone onto Instagram to look at these women and sometimes, I do wish that I could look like them. But I have learned and now can understand that I can't. These women make themselves out to be perfect, like they have no problems and are just living their best life but underneath that facade, they are not.
Image result for bella hadid
Many women deal with depression, anxiety and many other mental health problems, but looking at these women will not make it any better. These models make people feel as though they are not good enough and that they need to look a certain way in order for people to like them. Instagram models constantly are showing off their bodies, from posting bathing suit pictures to simply just wearing a skirt and a crop top. But the problem with this is that the instagram models who are the most popular and mainly skinny white women. Kendall Jenner, Gigi and Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski and Sommer Ray and just some examples. All of these woman have light skin complexions and are all extremely skinny. Although I do admire these women and they have made many breathtaking accomplishments, teens should not be scrolling through their Instagram profiles to just make themselves feel worse about who they are. In today's society, it is not surprising the influence that social media has on people, but the fact is that women get paid to look pretty and that is just not acceptable. Yes, there needs to be models who can advertise company's products but just showing off their bodies to make other people jealous and sad is not right. Women shouldn't have to go on Instagram to find goals to set for themselves because these women display it so often. I do respect Instagram models and models all together, but I believe that teens and young adults need to see that just because a famous person looks this way, they DO NOT need to look like them too.
Image result for sommer ray


  1. I completely agree with this. I have often found myself doing the same: scrolling through feeds of influencers with no intention of comparing myself, however it is nearly impossible not to. I, recognizing my lack of self-control in comparing myself to others, simply try to not expose myself to these profiles. Although I try to minimize what I see, I think it is important to learn to be comfortable in your own skin as opposed to simply dismissing the issue by clicking the "unfollow" button. This sounds kind of silly, but in my personal experience its definitely true. Also, I think you are BEAUTIFUL Kaley and don't need to bother feeling jealous of these models.


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